Get in touch
Phone | 012 001 7118

Corner of Oberon Drive and the R512 BROEDERSTROOM

Uniform Shop

View Shop

Winter Uniform

Summer Uniform


Hours During Term Time
Monday:07h00-09h00 & 12h00-16h00
Wednesday: 07h00-09h00 & 12h00-16h00
Friday: 07h00-9h00
Saturdays or outside scheduled hours, by appointment only
Contact Kerrin: 083 303 1406 /

Second hand shop
The Shop is situated in the Main Boulevard of the Prep school.
Wednesday : 12H00 to 14H00
Friday : 07H00 to 08H30
Lost property will be sorted every week and the marked items will be returned to the appropriate children by the Grade 7 leaders.
On the last Monday of every month all unclaimed lost property will be put in to the second hand shop for resale.
Please remember that this is a second hand shop and not all items and sizes are available.
Contact: Helen Metene: 072 338 5252
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