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Corner of Oberon Drive and the R512 BROEDERSTROOM



Prep School is where foundations for life are laid

The seven years spent in Prep School is where foundations for life are laid. It is a time when children need to learn about cooperation, responsibility, tolerance and resilience. Each and every child should be treated as an individual ensuring that they are able to grow and develop according to their own potential.

Boys and girls need the space to be able to have the confidence to express their opinions while at the same time learn from others and respect the opinions of those around them. Emotional Intelligence is so vital in the modern world and should be nurtured.

The school and the home are part of a team that must work closely together. Without this, the child will not take maximum benefit out of their formative years. It is the responsibility of the parents to instil values and morals, while the teachers have the duty of reinforcing these basic foundations. Parents and teachers should lead by example and be role models for their children.

School life should encourage children to strive to achieve their full potential in all areas, be it academic, cultural, sporting or spiritual. Developing a healthy work ethic is very important to creating self-worth and laying the foundations for high school and beyond. The school makes no apology in striving for academic excellence and achievement.

Above all, Prep School life should be fun and enjoyable. It should not just be seen as preparation for life, but rather life itself.

We believe that children should be children and have adopted a Homework-free policy. Children have time to recap concepts learnt during a dedicated homework class at the end of the day, and then are free to partake in activities that interest them. Not exempt from homework is reading, which should be practiced daily by the children with their assigned readers, as well as studying for tests in the higher grades.

Exciting New Offering

Additional Offerings - Included in School Fees

Robotics Curriculum

JumpStart Programme - Bridging Academic Gaps

Aftercare Included 

Homework Free

 Second Language
isiZulu, Setswana & Afrikaans

Support classes for Maths & English

Time 2 Read


Junior Prep 

Pecanwood College’s Junior Prep comprises of Grade 1, 2 and 3 with two classes in each Grade.

In the Junior Prep children are given a solid foundation on which to build, ensuring a sound base for their further education. We teach using sound academic principles and strong Christian values.

At Pecanwood College we nurture the whole child. While intellectual development is important, social, emotional, physical and spiritual/moral development is of equal importance.

We constantly strive to ensure that children are happy in a stimulating, secure and loving environment.


The Junior Prep teachers teach the core subjects and the curriculum followed is in line with the CAPS document. The teachers have a good understanding of the children and how they learn effectively.

The specialist subjects offered are Music, Art, Drama, Computers, Digital Literacy and Physical Education. The Grade 1 to 3 children are also taught Afrikaans and isiZulu by specialist teachers.

The Junior Prep teachers aim to lay a solid foundation during this phase for the children, in order to prepare them for future learning. They achieve this by using the highly successful Time2Read program, which includes an App that children can use at home, as well as the Mathegenius curriculum to promote a clear understanding of the manipulation of numbers. Children in the Junior Prep flourish in both reading and Mathematics.

Our Foundation children have access to the JumpStart program, whereby gaps are bridged by a qualified remedial teacher until such time as the child is able to integrate back into mainstream schooling. This class does come at an increased cost.

Our culture at Pecanwood College is to develop a creative, expansive environment where the individual child has every opportunity to reach his or her full potential.

Senior Prep

What makes our Prep school the school of choice for so many people who live beside the Hartbeespoort Dam and its environs?

The Prep school pupil roll is currently 290 children. There are two streams in each Grade. Our low teacher-pupil ratio ensures that all children are individually well known by the staff.

We recognise that children learn at different paces and have incorporated into our weekly timetable, a lesson for Mathematics and English where children can either be extended or remediated.

The prep school years are about preparation – for life, for life-long learning, for psychosocial and physical development. In addition to children receiving the essential academic foundations we have an ‘activity period’ built into the school day that allows us to introduce various physical activities and an appreciation for the outdoors, health and fitness and life sports; befitting our African climate. In addition, cultural periods are included in which pupils are able to sample and enjoy a diverse range of cultural activities. (the only one during the school day is PE, all sport and culture happens after school).

The academic day is complemented by a full sports programme in the afternoon and sports are coached by the teachers and specialized coaches in certain sports codes. We encourage participation by all supported by our catch phrase – ‘pitch up and play’ which reinforces our claim that there is a place for everyone in our sports teams.

Come and see for yourself why children in our valley are so happy at our school.


 1st Term





2nd Term






Cross Country


3rd Term






Code of Conduct

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