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Corner of Oberon Drive and the R512 BROEDERSTROOM

High School


Students are inspired and motivated to achieve the best they can in the classroom

The College elects to write the examinations of the Independent Examinations Board (IEB), which is fully accredited by the National Governing Education Council, Umalusi. The standards of the IEB are held in high regard by international and South African tertiary institutions.

Pecanwood College endeavours to introduce assessment that will provide indications of student achievement in the most efficient and effective way and to ensure that our students are able to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills they have learnt.


The College is registered with the Independent Examinations Board (IEB). The IEB is an independent assessment body that is accredited by Umalusi.

More about the IEB

Subject Choices

Grade 8-9


Afrikaans, Setswana or isiZulu

French (immigrant students only)


Life Orientation

Economic Management Sciences

Natural Sciences

Social Sciences


Arts & Culture

Computer Literacy

Grade 10-12

Compulsory subjects:


Afrikaans, isiZulu or Setswana 

French (immigrant students only)

Mathematics / Maths Literacy

Life Orientation


Geography, History, Information Technology, Physical Science, Life Science, Visual Art, Dramatic Arts, Accounting, Business Studies, EGD

Strong and promising students are invited to take AP Maths as an additional subject.

Code of Conduct

High School
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